Friday, March 8, 2013

"Don't Drive Sleepy"

Today, most safe-driving ads seem to be aimed towards not driving under the influence of alcohol, or to avoid cell phone use while driving. This ad is aimed at one of the other main culprits of vehicle accidents: driving while sleepy.

ThaiHealth Promotion Foundation has put together this campaign of ads in the effort of cutting down the number of accidents that result from drowsy driving. These ads have been very successful, showing the top eyelid to be some sort of vehicle and the bottom eyelid showing what will get hit when the eye closes.The copy reads, "sleepiness is stronger than you."

Because of the trend of thinking cell phones are the biggest threat to our roads, we often forget about simple things like tiredness and emotional strain can compromise our ability to drive safely.

Although the ad is from Thailand, the message is discernible internationally. Car accidents stemming from tiredness are a threat to all developed nations, so this ad has gained worldwide praise.

1 comment:

  1. I think its good that someone has chosen to recognize the dangers of driving while sleepy. I can recall a few times where I've left a significant others house late in the evening and was very tired. The drive home seemed to take forever. At the time i didn't realize how dangerous a tired driver was. All it takes is one second of having your eyes closed to ruin your life...or someone else's.
