Monday, November 28, 2011

Campbell's Soup Snowman Commercial

The Campbell's Soup Snowman commerical has become a timeless winter classic ad. It has lasted, and remained a popular holiday commercial, for since 1995. It fits the brand, and the image it has created; the commercial is wholesome and sincere focusing on warmth and family. The snow melts when the little boy warms up after being served some Campbell's soup. It plays on nostalgia of playing in the snow, the holidays and family which appeals to both children and adutlts, espcailly mothers. Its appeals, to audiences emotions and holiday sentiments, make this commerical timless.


  1. I just saw this ad the other day and couldn't help but think, "after all these years of publishing this ad, can't they improve the image quality?". It's really pixelated and looks old. Maybe that's apart of it's 'charm', but in our modern world today I'm surprised they haven't given it a make over.

  2. It doesn't need a make over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just saw this again. Love it. Awesome

  5. Look for it every year! The kid would be about my age

  6. Wonder what ever happened to that kid.

  7. I have loved this commercial forever. I'm glad it's still around.

  8. It reminds me of how me and my brother used to come in from playing in the snow for hours at a time. We used to stand by the fireplace and the snow would melt off us like that.

  9. I love this ad, it always brings back memories of my children when they were young and now my grandchildren!! It is a timeless treasure. I have great-grandchildren now. I hope this Snowman that comes in from the cold and melts into a little boy keeps showing up at the Holidays....

  10. That boy has always scared me especially when they zoom in on his eyes because they look dark as hell
