Friday, April 26, 2019

Product Placement: Mini Coopers Italian Job

Image result for mini cooper italian job 2003 image

For clever product placement, the most popular way to do this is during a movie or a TV show.

One of my favorite product placements is during the movie Italian Job in 2003, where thieves plan to perform a heist and decide to use mini coopers because of how zippy they are and their size.

What I really love about this is the fact for a thriller movie, mini coopers are the last type of car a person could think of to complete a job. But the producers and the creative team did such a good job at using the cars that it made mini coopers seem to be a really cool car to have. 

There was even a moment at the beginning of the movie where Charlize Theron is seen driving an old model of a mini coop, then once the movie progresses they display a much newer model.

It really looks like this a strategy by Mini Cooper to show off the new look the company was giving the car and what a better way of doing that than putting it in an action movie.

Buzzfeed and Best Friend Animal Society

Emma Watson playing with kittens in a co-branding partnership between BuzzFeed and Best Friends Animal Society

In this brand advertising interview, we have Buzzfeed interviewing Emma Watson with a bunch of puppies surrounding her.

What I really liked about this branding pairing is that it made the interview more personal and fun while also establishing the kind of media environment that Buzzfeed is while also displaying adorable puppies that could find a home from the viewers watching the interview.

I also see this as a different way to approach puppy adoption because most ways to adopt a puppy is either searching the web ( which some of the time can be a scam) while other times there are businesses or local events hold adoption events for the public to participate in.

With this interview, it is a free way to not only get more audiences to see the kind of dogs Best Friends Animal Society has but along with a famous celebrity, this makes them more legitimate and gaining more adoptions due to the favorability of there celeb sponsor.

Product Placement Even Stranded on a Desert Island

Perhaps one of the funniest and emotional examples of product placement is Wilson from Castaway.

Wilson, the popular maker of sporting equipment for sports like football, soccer, and in Castaway's case, volleyball. Tom Hanks survives a plane crash, and is forced to live alone on a deserted island. With no friends and little survivor instincts, Chuck Noland (played by Hanks) befriends a volleyball t keep from going insane. Or I guess to display how much he actually is going insane.

Noland (grossly) cuts his hand and uses his blood to draw a face on a Wilson branded Volleyball. In perhaps the funniest method of product placement, Hank's character fittingly names his friend "Wilson" just to make sure the audience knows of the branding associated with the movie.

The movie and brand solidifies and makes an incredibly lasting impact when Noland loses his friend at sea. In what could be one of the saddest and heartbreaking movie moments, Hank's calls out to his lost friend as he drifts away. This is a very iconic scene known by many, and concludes the product placement saga.

Two Giants in the Entertainment World Collide: Avengers takes over Fortnite

In the digital age that is 2019, there is almost nothing bigger in the video game world than Fortnite, and absolutely nothing bigger in the film world than the new movie Avengers: Endgame.

Fortnite became an absolute video game sensation with its release early last year. Millions and millions took to all video game platforms such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and mobile smartphones to join in the super-trend of 2018. Fortnite, a Battle Royale-esque game, allows people to play alone or with their best friends. Although it is a free game to play, the in-game available purchases have made it one of the highest grossing games of all time.

This brings up to the movie monster series of the Avengers. The Avengers, designated also into their individual movies, released Endgame on April 23rd. Pre-sale alone has beaten out the highest grossing movie title weeks before the movie was even released. Some movie theaters will be open for 3 days straight, showing the title at the early hours of 2, 3 and 4am.

Together, they have creating a crossover event, Fortnite: Endgame. Players jump into battle as some of their favorite superheroes to take on the enemy. This is an event that will last until May 3rd, meanwhile people can watch Avengers: Endgame in theaters now.

The "Anti-Product Placement" Product Placement

In the silly, creative mind that belongs to Mike Myers, product placements seem to go over the top in a lot of his work. However, one that really sticks out is the short scene dedicated primarily to product placements in his first major movie, Wayne's World.

This scene gains its popularity from the hilarious irony of it all. He distinctly says that he will not be a sellout and work for a sponsor, yet as he denies his willingness to promote these products he puts on the cheesiest performance in promoting each sponsor individually. The writing of the scene was clever in its technique as Mike Myers breaks the fourth wall in cinema and communicates directly with the audience that he is in fact selling out while he insists that he is too proud. His shameless contradiction and the over the top joke is what make this product placement a clever and humorous work of advertising.

Product Placement

Product placement is often a tool used by media mediums to get sponsored and get some extra funding for their message. Occasionally, however, there is a product placed in something unintentional product placement that is intriguing. Recently a Beyonce song named "Formation" was released and in the lyrics- she sang about how she took her man to Red Lobster. This placement wasn't arranged and Red Lobster did not pay to be in the song. The result was certainly very surprising. After the song was released in the first 8 weeks, sales were up 33% across all the restaurants. That is better Return On Investment for an "Ad" than a Super Bowl commercial. The best part about it for Red Lobster was that it was free and they got a lot of free press and buzz about it. They eventually responded to the song lyric in a way many thought was lame- but it still helped their brand immeasurably. 

Baja Blast: Taco Bell & Mtn Dew's Successful Business-Child

Since 2004, those who were fans of both Taco Bell and Mountain Dew were blessed with the soda's wildly popular flavor: Baja Blast. However, it was a Taco Bell exclusive for ten years until Mountain Dew was able to put the tropical flavor on the shelves of convenience stores everywhere for the summer in 2014. 

The advertisement allows not only those who know the flavor from Taco Bell that it is available outside of Taco Bell and can be bought in larger quantities, but it also allows fans of Mountain Dew that may not like Taco Bell a chance to experience the popular flavor. Although, the bottling and canning of the flavor has been limited to the summer season. Hence, Mountain Dew increases sales for the summer and Taco Bell gets a promotion for the seasons that Baja Blast is not on shelves, ultimately increasing their sales as well.

Brand Pairings

Brands have long looked to pair up in new and creative ways to advertise their products. One of the more recent explorations is pairing with another brand to make a co-op ad that advertises this. There are countless examples of this- from Aunt Jemima and KFC for chicken and waffles to more extreme cases like the Waze driver directory app and Spotify streaming service. One of my favorite examples is Red Bull and Go Pro. Red Bull's slogan is "Red Bull gives you Wings". The brands recognized that each dealt with high adventure and experience seekers and decided to team up for an advertisement. They focused on the thrill seeker specialist Felix Baumgartner who famously jumped from just outside space to earth. It was a record-breaking event that they teamed to showcase using their brands. Red Bull provided his "energy" for this dive and Go pro was used to record the footage. Both sponsored the event so that he had the money to accomplish it and then released an add. It did generate a lot of buzz and helped brand awareness for both brands.

Brazilian comedians and product placement

The Brazilian comedy channel on YouTube, Porta dos Fundos, is one of the biggest channels in Brazil, with 15 million subscribers and more than 4 billion views. Their videos often turn day-to-day events into comedy, and they became very popular online. So much that they signed a contract with Fox Brasil to broadcast their episodes and exclusive content on cable TV.

With the amount of attention the channel was getting, the actors and the company started receiving a lot of advertising proposals. The comedians created at least two videos about this topic, and one of them is satirizing the "subtle" product placement in many other YouTube channels.

(English subtitles available)

In the video, one of the most famous actors in the company, Fábio Porchat, is forced to indicate that he is a fan of Amstel beer, and doesn't know he is being recorded. All the characters around him seem to be involved in the advertising campaign, except for him, who is unaware of any recordings. They used humor to promote the product.

Colourpop x Disney: How to talk to your already loyal customers?

The makeup brand Colourpop collaborated with Disney more than once to create the biggest variety of colorful and creative cosmetics. In this post, we will talk about their collection "Disney Villans", inspired by the scariest characters from our childhood. In the collection, they have eye shadow palettes, lipsticks and highlighters. To advertise it, they chose a very interesting and original way of communicating with their audience, that is very loyal to the brand.

The most interesting thing is that Colourpop relies on influencer advertising, which often comes for free. They have very few ads on facebook, mostly pictures of the products for giveaways. Giveaways are a great way of bringing new people and new clients to your page, as people visit the page and follow you in order to win the products. But apart from that, it's even hard to find the copy of the ads, as they rely mostly on a very cost-effective marketing strategy.

This video from the Colourpop YouTube channel is an example of how they use the influencers as advertising. Their campaign on YouTube imitates what a beauty blogger would do when reviewing a product, so that way they actually get closer to the customers they already have, speaking a language they already speak and enjoy, the kind of content they would look for. So even though Colourpop worked with such a huge brand like Disney, they still kept their strategies. The collection was sold both in the Colourpop website and in the Shop Disney website.

The cleverest product placement: Apple

    If anyone ask which company is the most successfully using the product placement, I will say apple with no doubt. Apple is using its brand recognition to attract more and more people to buy its product. We can see apple everywhere.
    For example, in these 2 ads above, the first one show us the compere of the news is using apple MacBook and the second one shows us a shot in a movie. The man is using the iPhone to make a phone call. Furthermore, not only this example showing here, such this apple's product placement is frequently occurring in my country's Tv show. Lots of people are using such iPhone and MacBook apple product in many Chinese movie and teleplay. It cannot be denied that apple is the most successful company which are using product placement, though apple is gradually dominating the area of electronic devices.
    A good use of product placement will give audience a deep impression of the brand and it would attract more potential audience as well. On the other hand, people nowadays always have their favorite movie star. At the same time, when they seeing their star are using the product in one movie or show, they always choose to use the same product which is also called "star effect".

Brand pairing: GoPro & Red Bull

    As we all know, GoPro is the leader of the area of motion camera. Red Bull is also the most famous sports drink in the world. In this ad, GoPro Pairing with Red Bull to promote their products. These two men are playing the paraglider and both logos of GoPro and Red Bull are located on both paraglider.
    The metaphor of this ad is attracting people to be more energy by drinking the Red Bull when they are doing sports and using GoPro to record the moment. Such this kind of pairing brand advertising can advertise both brands to the public very well and also makes people's impression of their brands deeply. Using the similar brand or the similar area of brand as co-brand is a good choice for lots of company. Corporate together sometimes does better than doing it by own because it brings both company the profits and the potential audience.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Big Game Theory

Big Game Theory

   Product Placement has proven to be both a useful too and a source of entertainment.  Though some people may find it to be forced and unnecessary, products added into a scene of a movie can bring amusement and make all the difference.  In ET the use of Reese’s Pieces brought a lot of entertainment as they are used to guide ET, at the same time, it out Reese’s Pieces on the map.  They became a household name.

    A more recent example, comes in the form of a scene of the Big Bang Theory revolving around two brands of video game consoles.  The consoles are the XBOX one and the PS4.  The scene consists of two of the main characters shopping for a new gaming system.  Throughout the scene, they talk about all the benefits and drawbacks of each system in the character’s opinion.  This is a brilliant way to promote your product.  Its almost like having a full commercial in the middle of a show, with big name actors, making it entertaining.  Viewers are so entertained they don’t even realize they are learning all about two products they may subconsciously want.  even the viewer starts to get an opinion on what the character should purchase, further leading them to possibly make a purchase of their own.

Girl Scout Cookies and Dunkin

     As the annual cookie sales begin, we cant help but get nostalgic about our memories of our favorite girl scout cookie, especially those of us that sold them.  When I see a girl scout cookie, it takes me back to my childhood and helping my mom sort the hundreds of boxes in our basement for our troop.  They would line the walls and I would get excited when I saw the boxes of my favorite cookie.  The Samoas.  The wonderful combination of chocolate, coconut and caramel was a treat worth waiting for.

     These days, Girls Scout Cookies are paired with many brands and items.  You can find it in ice cream and yogurt.  But a favorite for adults is its marriage with Dunkin.  Many couldn’t survive their day without their coffee, so why not get your special hit of Girl Scout Cookie while your at it. Dunkin has a coffee beverage with all of our favorite flavors: Samoa, Thin Mint, Tagalong, Treafoil, and more.  the annual drinks bring a smile to everyone, even if you don't order one, the happiness that comes with the picture is enough to effect someone's day.

Product Placement: Coca-Cola in movie-Superman

"Superman" is a movie that people who have seen it will never forget. In the fight between superman and zod, superman threw zod on the billboard of Coca-Cola logo.

The pictures before and after the billboard explosion are wonderful.

It was a successful product placement.

Brand pairings: CoverGirl & Lucasfilm

Co-branding Campaign: Light Side and Dark Side Makeup
This ad was posted in 2015.

The first impression of this AD is that angels vs demons. The advertisement is divided into two parts from the middle. On the left is a woman with delicate, light-colored makeup that looks gentle. The woman on the right with dark makeup looks fierce.

Other thought is that this might represent a person with two kinds of face.

Generally speaking, the cooperative advertisement is very attractive. It also attracts users from both brands.

This co-branding partnership is a triumph for both brands. Lucasfilm gained more attention and made CoverGirl shoppers excited about the film's release. CoverGirl jumped on the "Star Wars" advertising bandwagon and took over the Internet, stores and television where movies were shown.

Verizon Wireless Presents The Indominus Rex

When I think of product placement in movies, I think of Jurassic World. Specifically, Margaritaville chilling in the background as dinosaurs run rampant, Verizon Wireless Presents The Indominus Rex, and the Pepsi-saurus.

The product placement in Jurassic World is extremely fascinating. The movie makes fun of how the park has become so overrun by consumerism. The amazing feat of science has been reduced to a new species of dinosaur named after a phone company. It's an ironic commentary about product placement, but at the same time ... it's product placement.

Jurassic World makes fun of product placement while still getting a boatload of money for product placement. It's definitely hypocritical, but I'm not sure how to feel about it because it works with the plot of the movie. On top of that, I'm sure it cost a lot of money to produce Jurassic World in the first place. So, I guess if you need to find a way to place Margaritaville in the background of your movie, you mine as well make it kind of funny.

Brand Pairing: Red Bull x GoPro

Red Bull already does a great job of creating a strong brand identity. Red Bull is responsible for a lot of extreme sporting events, so while the pairing of an energy drink and GoPro seems a bit unusual, the pairing is executed really well.

GoPro is Red Bull's exclusive provider of point-of-view technology for capturing moments during Red Bull's sporting event. Red Bull is all about pushing things to the extreme, and GoPro is all about capturing those extremes.

For example, Felix Baumgartner broke the sound barrier by riding a helium-filled balloon 128,000 feet into the stratosphere and jumping out. The feat was sponsored by Red Bull and captured by GoPro cameras.

The messaging makes sense. With Red Bull, you have the energy to do crazy stuff, and with GoPro, you have the technology to record all the crazy stuff you do when you're hopped up on caffeine.

Most unexpected product placement: Future dream shoes

I think the most clever and unexpected product placement is the Nike concept shoes in the movie <Back to the Future>  that all the audience familiar with. The main selling point is that the shoes shine and lace up automatically. I think every movie's fan want this cool shoes.
Fortunately, after long-term technical research, Nike made the Nike Air MAG in 2011, which the shoes can light up after the charging. In 2015, Nike made shoes that can automatically lace up.

Fans of <Back to the Future> say:
from in-screen to off-screen, the small product placement spans 30 years and integrates technology, feelings and people's vision of the future. I think this is the most clever and unexpected product placement.

Flaming Hot Cheetos and Takis on "Orange is the New Black"

Product placement is not what it used to be; so what does it mean for it to be successful in 2019? It is most effective if the placement is folded in so seamlessly that it operates only in our subconscious. Whether we like it or not, the various streaming services and platforms at our disposal today, as well as emerging, unique partnerships, have ushered in a new era of product placement.

"Orange is the New Black" is a Netflix original series based on the true story of Piper Kerman, a New York business woman who lands herself in a woman's prison on charges of felonious money-laundering activities and is sentenced to 15 months detention.

The sixth episode of the fifth season of OITNB is actually called, "Flaming Hot Cheetos." The title gives away the vast product placements to be displayed in this episode.

In this episode, the governor's office sends packages of Hot Cheetos, Takis, and tampons to the women in prison, with the snacks making several subsequent mouth-watering appearances throughout the show. In one scene, Black Cindy checks Anita's hands for Cheeto dust, and the audience can almost taste the exquisite cheesy powder as if one had dipped their own hand in a bag of Cheetos.

This product placement seemed effective to me because the writers of this series did their research correctly and choose to sponsor the most sought-after products in American women prisons. When watching this TV show, I was unaware of the advertising being performed through product placement because these products fit so seamlessly with the storyline.


Uber is my most popular taxi-hailing application, and Spotify  is my favorite Music application in the United State. Whenever I get on the Uber, the Uber Driver always ask me "What kind of song do you like to listen to? I can play it for you." Music is essential during the ride. "The right song can turn a stressful morning into a peaceful commute, liven up the trip to dinner with friends, or break the ice with your driver." Therefore, Uber cooperate with Spotify  to give customers a good rider music experience.
Even though, these two application seems very different, but they have same goal, which is ti give customers a better user experience, and attract more user.

Grab your Squad and head to Applebee's for a Strawberry Dollarita with a TWIZZLERS

Only available for the month of April (2019), Applebee's has decided to bring back the Strawberry Dollarita. It is a $1 Margarita made with tequila, strawberry and margarita mix, served on the rocks and is now back with a special brand pairing. Every Strawberry Dollarita will be garnished with a TWIZZLERS straw to sip out of! Each month, Applebee's has a Neighborhood Drink of the Month: following February's $1 Mardi Gras-themed cocktail and March's $2 Absolute Rainbow Punch, came the return of the Strawberry Dollarita.

"Applebee's is all about providing a fun, memorable experience with friends," said Patrick Kirk, vice president of beverage innovation at Applebee's. "Sippin' on a Strawberry Dollarita through a strawberry-flavored TWIZZLERS straw is just about the coolest and most exciting way to drink a margarita. No question about it."

This brand pairing is new so there is little information on whether this advertisement campaign was successful, however, both brands are getting airtime on TV ads and this will help expand their brand awareness on their tasty new adult beverage.

If Dollaritas sound familiar, it could be because it is one of Applebee's earliest cheap-as-heck drink deals. Back in 2017, plain Dollaritas were sold during October for Neighborhood Appreciation Month. Then in April 2018, they returned- and in August, the strawberry-flavored version was announced. The Strawberry Dollarita with a TWIZZLERS will be available at Applebee's from April 1 through April 30. Customers must be 21 or older to order one, and Applebee's urges you to drink responsibly.

Clever Product Placement - Manolo Blahnik in Sex and the City

Sex and the City is a show that first aired in 1998 and it has been iconic ever since. The main focus of this show is fashion, friendhsip and love. There is not one episode where the main character doesn't look like a Vogue model. You don't have to be a fashion lover to know that shoes are and will always be the most important part of your outfit, and this is something that is said over and over again in this show. Carrie is obsessed with shoes and specifically Manolo Blahnik and they are showed up in 16 out of 94 episodes. I think this was a very clever product placement because the viewers are the target market for this brand. On top of that, the main character of the show is obsessed with these shoes. “I wanted to let you know that I’m getting married. To myself. And I’m registered at Manolo Blahnik.” (Carrie, Sex and the City) This is just one of many 'quotes' from this show about the brand. As a fashion lover, I can tell you that I would love to get married in Manolo's and that is thanks to this show. Great job! 

Doritos Locos Tacos - Taco Bell and Doritos Partnership

I remember the moment when I started seeing this campaign. Taco Bell is not my favorite, but there is a Taco Bell right next to my mom's house and whenever we wanted to eat from fast food, that was basically our go to. On the other hand, I love Doritos. My thought process was "if it has Doritos, it should be good." I remember that it was supposed to be sold for a limited time only and I HAD to get it. "Taco Bell released the product in 2012 and sold more than a billion units in the first year. The fast-food company had to hire an estimated 15,000 workers to keep up with demand." (Lutz, Business Insider) I think it is very interesting to see a partnership like this one and I believe this is very smart for both brands and a move that can be called 'revolutionary'. I for one never had in mind about a Dorito made in the form of a taco shell, but it is for sure an interesting idea and got my attention immediately.  After being such a hit, Taco Bell and Frito Lay decided to make this part of the Taco Bell menu. Kudos to one of the smartest partnerships of this decade and the most successful menu item!! 

Lutz, A. (2014, February 26). How Taco Bell's Lead Innovator Created The Most Successful Menu Item Of All Time. Retrieved 2019, from

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reese's Pieces and E.T.

Many times when we watch TV, movies, or music videos--there is product placement. It can be as obvious as Beats in a music video or as subtle as a car brand in a movie. Overall, the best product placement or unexpected sometimes goes unnoticed unless pointed out after the fact. Reese's Pieces in E.T. is a classic example.

Throughout the movie, Elliot (the main character) lays trails of Reese's Pieces for E.T. to find.
This becomes a cute moment in the movie.
This is product placement. It doesn't jump out in face but it is just subtle

enough to not detract from the movie and story itself.

As for the backstory, M&M had turned down the deal and Hershey (who owns Reese's brand)
decided to accept the offer. Another fun fact was that Reese's did not have to pay anything to
get their product featured. All they had to do was advertise the film.
A reported sales spike of 85% for Reese's was reported after the movie.

Overall, this is very interesting because E.T. has become such a classic for many movie buffs. E.T. is very much linked to Reese's Pieces and that is a win for the movie and the brand. People today still link the two making it a very successful product placement.

Nike and Apple: Co-Brand Giants

How many times have you seen two separate brands come out with a product or service together? Probably many times. Some things you may not even think about. Some include Spotify and Hulu, Doritos and Taco Bell, and Mastercard and Apple Pay. Another one to focus on is Nike and Apple.
Both Nike and Apple are huge companies so coming together to co-brand products is an advantage for both. For starters, Apple developed a chip that can be put into Nike running shoes to track different statistics for the user. As well, Nike offers special playlists through Apple Music for being a Nike and Apple customer.

These brands are playing off their popularity to create even more buzz and sales. If someone uses Nike, they will be more inclined to purchase Apple products since they can pair easier. As well, people who exercise will be interested in the pairing of these brands if they are looking for coherence in sport and music. In addition, advertising the brands together can make consumers think of both when making purchases. The same type of thing goes for Beats and Apple before Beats was bought by Apple.
Overall, co-branding can give a competitive advantage to the companies involved. It can create more exposure to products and new features. It is usually beneficial to both companies and consumers.

Clever Product Placement: Cast Away and Wilson

Anyone who remembers the Tom Hanks film Cast Away can remember the most integrated product placement of all time: Wilson.

Wilson is a Wilson brand volleyball that ends up stranded with Tom Hanks on the deserted island, and as Tom Hanks is the only living thing present, he spends the majority of the movie speaking to the volleyball. Not only does this make the product placement the second most important character in the film, after Tom Hanks draws a bloody face on it and names it, it becomes emotionally attached to the viewer for the rest of the film. If the goal of advertising is to make a connection between the product and audiences, nothing has achieved that goal more directly than the tragic drama surrounding this volleyball and Tom Hanks. While I'm not sure that this product placement actually led to increased sales of Wilson brand products, it certainly made them the most well known brand for volleyballs in the world, and created a lasting connection that they can easily call back to if they ever wish to.

Doritos x Taco Bell: The Most Delicious Brand Pairing

No food item has revolutionized the fast food game like Taco Bell and Frito-Lay's partnership, the Doritos Locos Taco. As Taco Bell has always been known for being a combination of American culture and Mexican food, this partnership seemed obvious from either perspective. Not only would this be a good flavor combination, it was on-brand and would create a lot of marketing buzz. The success of this combination has of course led to a Cool Ranch version and a Fiery alternative as well. The possibilities become endless when you realize how many variations of Doritos exist. This was also a successful move for Frito-Lay, as they could capture the fanbase of Taco Bell and expose them to Doritos in a new way that might not have been possible before.

The commercial spots themselves represent the tone of the brand in a great way, as it's obvious that when advertising something so ridiculous, you have to make the spot as equally over the top and memorable. I personally feel as though this was a great move for both brands and I'm excited to see where they take it next.

Monday, April 22, 2019

One of the most clever product placements: Wayne's World

Sometimes, product placement can seem kind of tacky. Or maybe as if a movie or TV show is selling out for money just to display a product. Wayne's World goes completely against the grain as they say they would never sell out and have a sponsor just for money. However, then they display a bunch of products and explain some of them as they are in an infomercial. But this is exactly what makes it so clever- its so funny. 
They're basically making fun of the whole idea of product placement, while showing off multiple sponsors for their movie. They show products from Pepsi, Reebok, Nuprin, Pizza Hut, and Doritos, all while saying they think having sponsors is stupid. The main character eats the pizza and Dorito chips, drinks the Pepsi, and uses the Nuprin all while looking very satisfied and implying they all are good products and either taste good or work well. His friend Garth is dressed in Reebok clothing from head to toe and says that it's sad that people only do things for money, referring to the product placement-- even though he is currently partaking in it.  

Overall, these product placements were very memorable because they were so comical. It was very clever as no one else had done it before and it worked! Sometimes it's best to use the tackiness of product placement to your advantage and make it as funny as possible. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers

One of the first things that I thought of when presented with the topic of brand pairings in advertising was the lip smackers that I'm sure all of us girls used in middle school. Dr. Pepper and Lip Smackers came together to create this product that was a hit in the early 2000s. 
Dr Pepper
Large benefits of brand pairing is that it broadens that target audience of both brands, increases awareness, and increases revenue. This specific brand pairing targets young girls, who most likely already love soda and gives them a new flavor for their favorite accessory. It is very beneficial to lip smackers because it gives them a new, tasty flavor that a lot of people already love. It is beneficial to Dr. Pepper because it broadens their target market and gets awareness out about how good their drink is through a different medium.

As I stated before, this was a hit in middle school among most girls. Plus, they still sell it today. Obviously, this brand pair has been successful for many years and still continues to be. According to many Amazon Reviews, people love it for the taste and the long lasting chapstick, so it is successful for both businesses. Plus, as one Amazon reviewer stated, it's the same great taste minus the calories! 

What Has More Product Placement Than NASCAR Itself? Talladega Nights: the Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Of Course

If you have ever seen the movie starring Will Ferrel as Ricky Bobby and John C. Reilly as his best friend, Cal Naughton, then bless you. This movie is a whirlwind of only one hour and forty-eight minutes, but featured an incredible amount of brands! Not only did the movie include the actual products of the brands, such as the KFC chicken buckets and two litres of Coca-Cola, it also includes brand logos, slogans, and commentary featuring many brands Americans know and love. Of course, anyone familiar, even at the slightest, with NASCAR could probably infer that there would be an enormous amount of brand placement in a movie that documents the fictional life of a man who just wants to go fast. Was the product placement in this move clever or a bit too obvious? Why not both? I mean, NASCAR loves their sponsors, and this movie definitely portrayed that well. There's even a scene where Ricky Bobby shoots commercials for all of his sponsors. Personally, I think that this movie was designed to be as obvious as possible with their brand placements. Think about it, Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton literally say "Shake n' Bake" throughout the movie. Not only that but just
the fact that during the family dinner scene where Ricky Bobby prays to "Baby Jesus" all of the food products have their logos facing the screen at all times. The product placement in this movie isn't as strategic as some others, but that isn't to say it isn't effective.  In fact, Wonder Bread, the sponsor of Ricky Bobby's racing car, gained $4.3 million in exposure. That's incredible! Whether you think this movie was good or bad, you can't deny the amount of intercut work it must have taken to receive and include so many sponsors. This movie didn't come to play, it came to win. After all, if you're not first, then you're last!

A Delightful way to Have a Reese's

Image result for reeses international delightAlright, ladies and gentlemen, I am here to set you all straight. This. Is. The. Best. Brand paring EVER. Drumroll, please... REESES AND INTERNATIONAL DELIGHT! Okay, okay, I know this might be a "huh?" moment, but hear me out. This stuff is, basically, a bunch of liquid Reese's peanut butter cups. What more could you ask for? Honestly? You can put this stuff in anything! You might be a little lost, I know I probably would be too, but just hold on we will get there together. This coffee creamer is life changing. Personally, I am not a coffee drinker, can't even go near the stuff without immediately feeling like I can run a 5k, it's the worst. But, I do dabble in my fair share of coffee creamers. Why not? It's my life, I'll do what I want, no judgement. With that being said, I have discovered a lot of things that do not work well together (Polynesian sauce and french fries, I just don't get the combination at all) and I think I found the perfect pairing. You might be wondering, "If you don't drink coffee, then why do you own this (very delectable) coffee creamer?", and to that, I would say "Because I'm a genius".  

Image result for reeses international delightHave you ever had hot chocolate? Have you ever made a cake? What about, I don't know, ANY DESSERT?! If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, then I would challenge you to add Reese's peanut butter cup International Delight coffee creamer to your next sweet concoction. It will do you wonders! The first time I used this coffee creamer for something other than *decaf* coffee was for hot chocolate (I'm addicted to hot chocolate) and it changed my life. I highly recommend trying it! I truly believe International Delight has outdone themselves. They have some of the coolest and tastiest coffee creamers on the market. Honestly, I'm sure if you add any of their coffee creamers to your next sweet creation it'll be great! International Delight and Reese's, in that case, isn't scared to try something different, a little crazy, but very tasty. I have to say, I wasn't expecting to rave this much about this brand pairing, but I feel like this was a necessary public service announcement. I hope the next time you go grocery shopping you add this coffee creamer to your cart. Don't worry, you can thank me later.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Oreo's + Peanut Butter: The Parent Trap

The first time I had come across peanut butter and Oreos was when I watched The Parent Trap when I was a kid. At the time, that creation was just some innovative idea that I have never thought of myself (which is curious considering I love chocolate + peanut butter). But now with advertising-focused eyes, I recognize a brilliant strategic advertising move done by Oreo. 

This product placement is organic and very fluid. The Oreos are being dipped in jars of peanut butter by two twelve year-old girls at a summer camp. It’s seen as a childhood classic cookie, a snack that forges connection, builds bonding and conversation. It’s both a classic treat, while also being the connector between two sisters. 

Viewers might not think twice about the product, but when you study its placement in the scenes, one will notice the cookie is a sort of comfort that is had over conversation and late-night gabbing. 

When you consider all of the elements of the narrative of the movie, the placement and symbol that Oreo presents is excellent. It presents a story of long-lost sisters becoming best friends, re-connecting their parents all while having mischievous and innocent fun through summer camp to Paris to the vineyards of California. It’s a simple idea, yet somehow sweet, interesting, and captivating. Much like the Oreo itself. All together it becomes a connector between two things: sisters and family, cookies and cream.


As entertainment continues to grow, television series, movies, artists, and shows become their own brand. Hamilton the Musical has grown into a subset of our culture; movie series like Star Wars and Harry Potter have grown into global phenomenons. And television series like Game of Thrones have become international sensation, growing into a world of its own. 

Game of Thrones, an HBO series based on the book A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, went on air in 2011. Since its commencement, its growth has increased incredibly, gaining more and more fans and viewers as the years have gone on.

So it was a very strategic marketing move for a classic cookie to pair with the worldwide series. Oreos, milk’s favorite cookie, has long been a favorite since its start in 1912. Perfect for conquering a sweet tooth, snacking during a show, or as a treat with a cold glass of milk, Oreos have become hugely successful. It made sense for them to pair themselves with such a strong entertainment brand as Game of Thrones. 

The themed Oreos feature 4 different sigils from the television show, very recognizable to viewers. The packaging is in a sleek, matte black casing with the “O” in “Oreos” resembling the same “O” that has become the series’ famous logo. Oreo itself is also spelled out and designed in the same font and style as the show. Oreo didn’t stop there; they created hashtags to align the brands even further via social platforms with #GameofCookies and #FortheThrone.

The featured cookies hit shelves April 8th and have been hugely popular for the cookie brand. I can speak from experience here. Both myself and my Mom have bought packs of the themed cookies just for the premiere, even though we very seldom actually eat them. The cookies are a celebratory commencement of the final season and perfect for the wide spectrum of fans across the world. And Game of Thrones benefitted to by gaining even more traction and recognition of the season premiere. 

This was one of the most loved brand-pairings I’ve seen in sometime. Fans and cookie-lovers alike are most definitely satisfied.

Friday, April 12, 2019

E.T. and Reese's Pieces

In the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Elliot laid a trail of Reese’s Pieces for E.T. Reese’s Pieces were introduced in 1978 and were practically a brand-new product when the movie came out in 1982. After the movie hit the theaters, sales of Reese’s Pieces topped M&M’s for the first time ever. Sales of Reese’s Pieces went up by 65%, and soon they were being sold in theaters, where they had never been before. This demonstrates the potential power of product placement.

Here, you can see Elliot scatter the Reese’s Pieces to lure E.T.

The original script for E.T. called for Elliot to scatter a trail of M&M’s to lure E.T. Yet, when Amblin Entertainment asked the M&M division of Mars, Inc. for permission to feature M&M’s in the movie, the company refused! They decided that they did not want their candy to be associated with aliens or some such nonsense.

MasterCard and Apple: A priceless collaboration

MasterCard worked with Apple to deliver a seamless and secure payment experience. For consumers and merchants alike, that means that every purchase made with a MasterCard using an iPhone 6 or higher, will offer the security, benefits and guarantees of any MasterCard transaction. Consumers can also use their Apple Watch.

Below is an ad for the collaboration as well as a 36-sec. commercial. The commercial is informative and explains exactly how to use your MasterCard with Apple Pay. Apple Pay transforms mobile payments with an easy, secure, and private way to make purchases.