Sunday, March 16, 2014

You're on Diet Coke

Diet Coke released a new advertising campaign with a slogan that is starting to catch a lot of attention, but not necessarily for the right reasons. As many know, the connection between Coca-Cola and cocaine was at one point very prevalent due to the fact that this soda actually contained cocaine. As the years went by it is clear that Coca-Cola has stopped that practice and has thrived as a global brand. This new advertising campaign seems to be taking a step backwards, with the slogan "You're on Diet Coke."

An article in Bloomsburg Businessweek suggests that customers may get this slogan confused with a drug reference about being on cocaine. Some may think this is far fetched but when you put this slogan on a billboard as shown above it has a much different meaning than the first advertisement to introduce this slogan during the Sochi Olympics that featured Taylor Swift.
Seeing the television advertisement puts things into perspective. Some people think that these advertisements are not suggestive at all, while others have made homemade videos of what they think the commercial really means. Some people have even raised the question "Why does a company as big as Coca-Cola advertise?" Regardless of whether or not people will take this the wrong way this is a clear example of why advertising concept testing is so important. After showing this to a small focus group or audience before releasing the advertisement may have prevented this type of mistake.

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