Thursday, February 16, 2017

Make Love Not Walls

Diesel has recently launched their new “Make Love Not Walls” campaign, firing back against President Trump’s plan to build a wall that separates Mexico from the United States. Diesel says on their YouTube channel that this campaign is about "tearing down the mental and physical walls that separate us, and let all sides come together in the name of unity and love”.

The video first features a lonely man walking along a very boring and unmaintained cement wall. He picks up a flower off the ground and throws it over the wall. Soon enough, a girl on the other side of the wall picks up the flower and throws another one back over to him. Shortly after, a heart-shaped hole is blown through the wall creating a passageway between the two sides. A diverse crowd appears and there are various types of couples kissing, getting married, as well as many people dancing and enjoying themselves. The video becomes more lively and colorful than it was in the beginning. Everyone in the video is getting along despite their race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Diesel’s artistic director Nicola Formichetti was quoted saying, “There are so many walls, symbolic and physical walls that are stopping people from being their true selves, from loving who they want to love, etc. We wanted to spread a positive message and show that a brighter and exciting tomorrow is possible”. 

I feel that this campaign is a great way for Diesel to bring people together. Instead of only promoting their clothing line, they are promoting love and happiness among everyone, no matter who they are or who they are in love with. 


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  2. I really enjoy seeing all these brands really embracing equality and making sure the word is heard about the major opposition to the borders we put up (politically with Trump and Mexico and personally within ourselves judging others). The brands and companies or organizations that utilize their image and voice to do good is what we need more of. Especially when we know that individual voices won't be heard as much as a group's words. Well written!
