Monday, February 27, 2017

Netflix Around the World

Last monday (02/20) Netflix Brasil released a new commercial on facebook. The ad is based in a Brazilian TV Show called "Betray or doesn't betray? by João Kléber", in which a fidelity tests is done, recorded and shown live on a stage for the person who is distrustful about his/her SO, and an audience.
Netflix posted the ad video together with the captions "Boyfriend has his fidelity tested on João Kléber's stage. You can't even imagine what is about to happen". When you play it, there is a guy sitted on a couch with a remote control in his hands. The video is paused and we can see João Kléber, who starts to scream "Stop, stop, stop!" he explains, "The guy on the video is Pedro, and this (pointing to the girl standing by his side on the stage) is Juliana, Pedro is her boyfriend and they always watch together the show Narcos. Juliana is questioning whether Pedro is or not watching Narcos without her. Do you think he will do it? Do you think he will betray Juliana?", a important note is that, in Portuguese, the language spoken in Brazil, "betray" and "cheat on" have the exact same meaning.
The video continues and we see that Pedro starts watching Narcos without Juliana, that becomes extremely disappointed with her boyfriend and decides to watch all the episodes of House of Cards just to give him spoilers.
With this ad, Netflix shows an amazing way of winning the public by interaction. The idea of choosing a popular TV Show from the opened channels to create and advertising that, being posted on the internet, becomes a meme, is a very interesting marketing play for the millennials, Netflix's target audience in Brazil.
Also, Netflix's staff continued interacting with the public on the post's comments. Everytime someone tagged their boyfriends/girlfriends saying "remember that day when you watched … without me", Netflix created compositions with the person's profile picture and the sentence "Cheated! Watching Netflix", just like this:


  1. In order to stream VPN in Brazil with no any restriction you should connect a VPN service as well. I would suggest to use PureVPN to everyone. They are the best Brazil VPN provider right now.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I use Ivacy for all my streaming and evade geo-blocked restrictions. It is good value for money and happens to be a decent Brazil VPN
