Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Someday is Today" Brand Image Campaign

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) relies on Public Relations efforts just like many other non-profit organizations. Contrary to organizations like the American Cancer Society and the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the LLS has very low public awareness.

 Their mission is to raise money to advance the treatment of blood cancers and they decided to increase public awareness of the organization by launching a brand image campaign that features TV commercials, print, outdoors and digital ads.

The theme of the campaign is “Someday Is Today” and it's estimated cost is at $20 million in paid and unpaid media. With this campaign, LLS wants to differentiate themselves from non-profit advertising by having a hopeful tone and demonstrating how supporters have made a difference for the organization. 

Andrew McMains' article in ADWEEK quotes Lisa Stockmon, Senior Vice President of LLS’ Marketing and Communications Department on her comments regarding the objective of this campaign. She said: “We wanted to be less sort of guilt. We wanted to be less trite. We want to be more part of, 'You know what? The money that you invest in us...makes an impact and we have been able to change the face of cancer from the work that we do,’” she said.

The ad below is the most popular ad from the campaign so far. 

I believe their campaign is smart and effective because it integrates society members as being key players in their success at finding a cure for cancer. Although the cure has not been found yet, their ads are hopeful in that some kind of cure will be found soon and this can only be accomplished with the financial support of those who believe in the organization's mission. Their advertisements do a great job of informing the public of what LLS has accomplished so far. They include statistics to support their claims and in my opinion, this is what engages people and makes them want to support this organization.

Non-profit organizations are surprised at the success and hype created by the campaign. What is most shocking is that network and cable stations are running their TV ads for free. LLS’ campaign is getting significant exposure nationwide and they aren’t paying for the spots! That is truly impressive as there are so many non-profit organizations that would want to be in their shoes.  

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