Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Put Your Best Foot Forward With A Creative Business Card

Recently, we had a project in class designed to advertise ourselves, business cards. As I scoured the internet for examples and fun ideas I noticed that I never really had to advertise myself before, other than a LinkedIn and my Resume. Upon selecting a strategy and printing out my finalized cards I started handing them out after interviews. Many recruiters were surprised that a student would even have a business card and were impressed with this additional work I had done. Some articles I had read during strategy development even suggested that business cards were an outdated way of giving out basic information, not true. Business cards whether creative or personal allow you to make a first impression and represent yourself with a physical object. It is a road map to opportunity. It could lead you to a job, business partnership, or even win you some new customers of your own in the case of owning a business.

When designing your card you have to think about some basics. Who do I want to see my card? Who am I marketing myself to? What do I want to represent myself as? Once we answer some of these questions we have a better understanding of what the card should look like. A phone number, email, name, and title are also indirect requirements when thinking about the text that should be integrated into the card as well. Below are a few examples of some creative business cards and some that allow interactive advertising.

A Financial Management Company

                                         A Cosmetic Surgeon's Business Card

A Yoga Studio's Business Card



  1. I think the class project as well as this post are very appropriate considering the final weeks of classes are near, and majority of the students will be attempting to put their best foot forward. While I wouldn't go as far as the plastic sturgeon's business card I do appreciate the creativity.

  2. Mark I definitely agree! Future employers have been impressed every time I hand out a business card to them. I feel like business majors are expected to have them, but when those of us in the media world have them, they are almost fascinated.

  3. The business card project that we completed in class was definitely the most practical and useful assignment that I have done in my three years at Duquesne. Although business cards are looked at in a serious light, they allow business professionals the chance to be creative and showcase their personality and skills in a unique way. Dr. Z always says that Duquesne students have an extensive profile of client work when they graduate, and I believe that the business card truly completes this profile. With the job market being what it its, business cards truly allow candidates to express themselves and set them apart from the competition.
