Sunday, March 8, 2015

TED Chooses 10 Advertisements “Worth Spreading”

For the past four years, TED has chosen 10 commercials every year that they believe construct new ideas, divulge true emotions, and inspire (May, 2014). As May writes, “Today’s viewing audiences are far too sophisticated…we want ads to actually speak to us – to connect to our hopes and dreams, to flip our thinking in unexpected ways and to reflect the world we’d like to see around us” (May, 2014, para. 1). She goes on to say that we know this type of advertising exists because we have experienced ads that have made us cry, laugh, and feel a deep sense of connection to the individuals in the ads (May, 2014). 

To continue their tradition, TED selected a panel of TED staff, speakers, and individuals in the advertising industry and asked them to come together to honor 20 advertisements that they believed were innovative and portrayed “smart thinking” in 2014 (May, 2014, para. 2).

Some of my personal favorites include:

Brand: Virgin America

This ingenious advertisement shows individuals the safety instructions they need for their flight. It is entertaining because it incorporates various dance and music themes, but yet it portrays all of the information that passengers need in case of an emergency.

Brand: Guinness

Initially, when you watch this Guinness commercial you may believe the circumstances of each individual. However, once the piece ends and you understand the motives behind the men who are playing basketball it really embodies what the narrator says at the end of the ad that “the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character” (Guinness, 2013).

Personally, I believe the best advertisements are those that inspire individuals to live a better life, or that create change in the behavior of those who view the advertisement. The ads featured in the TED blog article illustrate how ads can change an experience. For instance, in the Guinness commercial the men did not need to sit in wheelchairs to make the one man feel normal, but they did. When individuals see these ads it can inspire change or even promote thought that would lead to behavior where human beings help each other feel valued and included. Innovative ads can also make the experience of flying more enjoyable by putting what could be a lecture about plane safety into an exciting and music filled video piece. I believe advertisements, when done well, can change human behavior.

Guinness. (2013, Sept. 9). Guinness basketball commercial. YouTube. Retrieved from

May, K. T. (2014, Mar. 14). Ads Worth Spreading: 10 great ads from 2014 that communicate ideas. TEDBlog. Retrieved from

Virgin America. (2013, Oct. 29). Virgin America Safety Video #VXsafetydance. YouTube. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I really like the point that you make about inspiring individuals to live a better life. The goal of advertising is often to persuade, but I believe an initiation to change behavior is an equally important goal of advertising. I think that the strongest point that you make in your argument is that when advertisements are done well they can change an experience. They can also change how people view a product or a company in general. The opposite is true, a bad advertisement or one done the wrong way can change a consumer's mind about a company or brand and deter consumers from using that brand or product.
