Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Age Social Media Advertising

As social media becomes a more accepted form of advertising platform, companies are faced with the challenge of utilizing it in a way that will make them stand out from other competitors' while still maintaining and growing their own following. Some companies have used these platforms to create a more human aspect to them. Instead of only posting about campaigns and upcoming events, companies incorporate customer service into their posts and reply to real followers and consumers. By responding a real time and having conversations with consumers online, the company creates a relationship with even the most remote consumer in a  direct manner. Not only do companies respond to their followers but also other companies for a little friendly competition and witty comebacks. The Business Insider complied seven of the best social media comebacks in 2012, which acquired a lot of attention and online impressions. Click here to see how companies used social media to relate to their consumers!

These companies and industries set the trend for others to make their social media more human and interactive. Consumers and potential consumers appreciate and can relate to the company better when they have an interactive platform to talk and sometimes even joke around.


  1. I agree that social media has added a more "human" aspect to company advertising. In creating a two-way communication platform between customers and the brand, consumers are able to build a deeper connection with the brand and its products. This type of interaction causes consumers to feel that they are involved in the company and decisions that are made. Rather than static images and postings on Twitter and Facebook, consumers can openly respond to what the company is doing, often receiving replies from brand representatives. In addition, the fun interactions between competitors and other companies adds personality to brands. Companies have always paid attention to the activities of their competition, so why not acknowledge it and have a little fun?

    It's not all fun and games though. Companies must beware of the interactions they make and what is said online. Those words will forever be captured, even if it is up there for only a few seconds. Public relations specialists of brands must consider the negative reactions their responses may hold and prepare for backlash.

  2. I agree that this interaction is necessary with the growing online advertising. Consumers like to feel a personal connection with the brands of their choice. Being able to post comments or ask questions via social media is a great way to connect. I'm not quite sure how companies will be able to keep up with responding in a timely manner, but it seems as though most do find a way.
    Companies have to be careful what is posted on their page, and how they respond. Some people might be posting about a negative response they had to a product. Responding to these posts first is more important in order to maintain good pr. I like the example of Old Spice, and Taco Bell interacting through humor. I also think this is acceptable because they are in no way direct competitors.

  3. I like that you touch on the fact that these companies are now able to reach even their smallest consumer through social media. This seems like its becoming more and more popular everyday. I have even seen some companies go to the extent of dedicating an hour, or something like that, to responding to every tweet made by their followers. Humor always seems the best way to go for this type of marketing so your example is very fitting.

  4. Nice blog, thank you for sharing such great information.
    social media advertising
