Thursday, March 23, 2017

Mysterious Pie Billboards Not So Mysterious After All

I was in North Braddock last weekend when I noticed a billboard that was blank except for a picture of a cherry pie with one slice cut from it. A few billboards down, there it was, the missing piece. I pondered over this for DAYS. I wanted to be in on the secret. As I scrolled around online today, I found my answer without even looking for it. The billboards are a location-based, unbranded advertising campaign for Showtime's revival of the hit 90's TV show, Twin Peaks.
Fans of the original series who aren't fully caught up, beware: There are minor SPOILERS ahead!

The billboards popped up Missoula, Montana, which is the hometown of character Laura Palmer's cousin and the birthplace of the show's creator, David Lynch. Billboards also appeared in Seattle, near where the show was filmed and in Philadelphia, where Agent Dale Cooper was once stationed. The Pittsburgh connection is a bit darker, as it is the location where Cooper was stabbed by his former partner. The images of pie are in reference to the cherry pie that is so often mentioned in the show. Fans have also made notice of the zig-zag pattern of the crust, which references the carpet from the Red Room floor and the ever-watching owl. Avid fans haven't stopped analyzing the seemingly simple billboards, and they won't stop until every clue about the revival has been revealed.

I've never watched Twin Peaks, but this campaign has me convinced that I should. It did its part to excite current fans and to intrigue a potential new audience. I look forward to hearing more about the campaign and its hidden connections to the show. Are there any Twin Peaks fans out there that would care to share their take on these billboards? Has anyone else seen them around Pittsburgh or near your hometown?

1 comment:

  1. As a Twin Peaks fan I really appreciate that these exist!
