Monday, February 19, 2018

In late January, Burger King released an ad that revolved around the issue of net neutrality. The repeal of net neutrality within America states that internet providers can slow down the loading times of websites that use big amounts of data.

Burger King wanted to explain to the American public how this issue can impact their lives, using the famous Whopper in replace of a streaming service such as Netflix. With this advertisement, Burger King is declaring that they are for net neutrality and believe that like their Whopper, the Internet should be the same price for everyone.

Many of the recent Burger King ads have been directed at targeting social issues within American society. Conducting social experiments with real customers in order to demonstrate a greater problem that needs to be addressed is a great way for Burger King to promote themselves. Dealing with topics such as bullying and net neutrality are good issues for Burger King to advocate change for because Burger King is assuming most people will agree with the stance that the company is taking, and therefore build a positive connection with their restaurants. This ad is a comical way to approach a serious topic. Burger King's desired intention for positive social change is a good way for people who may not visit Burger King to change their opinion of the brand be a reinforcement of the people who frequently eat their food.

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