Monday, April 15, 2013

Milk Sales Down?

When you've seen countless numbers of "Got Milk?" ads over the years, you would think that selling milk would be cake right? 

Wrong.  Despite almost 20 years of the famous milk mustache ads of athletes, musicians, and celebrities, milk sales are continuing to fall at a fast rate.  According the the milk groups responsible for marketing the drink, the National Dairy Promotion & Research Program has down its job to advertise the calcium-fortified juices and vitamin-enhanced beverages that have supplanted milk’s healthy image; however, the public's preference for milk may just be changing altogether. 

Athletes and health food advocates often reject cholesterol, fat, calories, and allergens.  According to Health News, Dr. Benjamin Spock, whose pediatric advice shaped the entire Baby Boom generation, recommended no milk for children after age two, in his later years, to reduce their risks of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and diet-related cancers.

To reverse the decline of milk drinkers, marketers have tried just about everything.  From campaigns such as "Milk:  It Does a Body Good" to "Got Milk" to suggesting milk as a diet drink, none of the campaigns seem to increase milk sales.  I guess it doesn't matter who is pictured in the ads, milk could be a thing of the past.  

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