Tuesday, January 20, 2015

McDonald's Signs Ad: Appealing to the Emotions

McDonald's recently released a pretty unique ad in which the subject of it pertains to multiple McDonald's store signs across the country that show messages of hope in response to American tragedies such as the Boston Marathon Bombing, 9/11, and the Columbia space shuttle crash.  A video from CNN Money (link here http://money.cnn.com/video/investing/2015/01/12/mcdonalds-new-ad.cnnmoney/) discusses the various reactions the American public has expressed in response to the ad, mentioning that the majority of people on Twitter had mentioned the ad was in poor taste.  One guy on Twitter even mentioned the ad had more poor taste than the McRib (thought that was pretty witty).  But, the video also mentions that ad agencies are giving major props to McDonald's for the ad, as it showcases how cut into the American fabric the brand actually is.  One thing that was mentioned in the video that I was not aware of, is the fact that McDonald's stock and sales are at a significant low at this point.

To me, this is nothing more than McDonald's trying to appeal to the emotions of its American consumers with a popular pop song by Fun. and stills of various signs across America showcasing how McDonald's has America's back, in an effort to lure people back under the Golden Arches.  Nothing wrong with that, but maybe McDonald's should be looking to aim their message strategies toward a more product-centered agenda.  Ad agencies are right.  McDonald's is cut into the American fabric.  Its one of the most American things in existence, right up there with apple pie, Chevrolet, and baseball.  But, so is obesity and sedentary lifestyles, which is kinda sorta related to McDonald's huh?

McDonald's made a smart move with this one.  They know exactly what triggers the emotions of the American public: American pride.  Especially in the wake of American tragedy.  Is it enough to get people to come back to McDonalds' and indulge on the McRib?  Uh maybe not, and judging by people's reactions on Twitter, the answer is probably not.  If Mickey D's wants people to come back, I'm thinking the product is going to need an overhaul.  But then again, who will actually be headed to McDonald's for pita bread and hummus? Stranger things have happened though.


1 comment:

  1. McDonald's is a fixture in American culture for a reason, and this particular campaign in my opinion just further set the company a part from its competitors. McDonald's can afford to highlight larger social issues, and is almost expect to do so.McDonald's is more than a restaurant chain its a symbol of this nation. The golden arches represent the golden world of capitalism and free choice in many ways. By McDonald's embracing its image of American culture, it was in fact able to capitalize on its image in this campaign. This helped create a much needed distraction from calories, and saturated fats.
