Monday, December 5, 2011

Intriguing picture, great message

When I came across this image on the internet, I didn't quite understand it at first glance. Having no real color to it, it didn't originally catch my eye. After analyzing it a little bit longer, I realized how clever of an ad it really is. A helmets job is to protect one's head and as this ad obviously shows, the Lazer helmet being advertised definitely protected the mans head from a serious accident.

While this ad is comical, the underlying story is kind of sad. This man was obviously in a very serious accident if he's in a full body cast, minus the top of his head. Terrible accidents are a rather touchy topic for a lot of people so the way they approached portraying this ad was very well done. If they would have had the man in a flat position with he eyes shut, it may have been harder to grasp the comical aspects of the ad, but the awkward positioning of the man's body was just right to make the humor and the helmet safety the focus.

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