Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Google Spent $213 Million on Advertising in 2011

According to the Wall Street Journal, Google spent over $70 million on TV ads last year in the United States alone, representing about 1/3 of the estimated $213 million that Google spent advertising all together in 2011.  In 2010, Google only spent approximately $56 million on advertising, jumping almost 400% in 2011.  The majority of Google's spending was for online ads, but the company also used newspapers, magazines, and TV ads.  

Much of Google's marketing centered on Google+, aiming to introduce its new social network to audiences.  Google took out a full page ad in the New York Times after the Dalai Lama joined Desmond Tutu in a Google+ hangout. 
Google also ran several TV commercials for Google+, including ones that ran during a Thanksgiving day NFL game, over the Christmas holiday, and The Academy Awards broadcast.  This commercial showed the Muppets singing their way through a Google+ hangout.  Google also ran a number of commercials advertising Google Chrome, (and my personal favorites), inducing "Dear Sophie," Lady GaGa, and Justin Bieber. 
I'm sure most of this money went to paying the two biggest pop starts in the world.. GaGa and Beiber. 

Check them out here:


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