Monday, March 12, 2012

Kony video an Obama campaign?

Don't, get me wrong, I am all about helping others everywhere in any way that I possibly can, but this KONY 2012 video seems a bit sketchy to me. Kony hasn't been through Uganda in years, as his biggest crimes were committed 15 years ago. I know there was no internet 15 years ago, but where was this video then?? I am NO WAY in favor of what Kony is doing. I think his crimes are disgusting, evil and most of all heartbreaking, especially when children are involved, but I am also in touch with reality. And reality says that there are much bigger issues to resolve before we hunt down one man in Africa. Which brings me to believe that this video is nothing but a mere campaign for Barak Obama's 2012 election race.

As a registered independent, I sway neither to the left, nor the right, so I have no bias towards this topic whatsoever. When I watched the 30 minute video on YouTube having absolutely nothing to do with our president, I couldn't help but notice the strong presence of Barack Obama. Here's why:

1. This video is all about hope and change, exactly what Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was about. Remember those posters??
2. The color scheme of the Kony 2012 posters. Red and blue?? Come on....
3. At 23:04 in the video, there is a picture of Kony, greatly resembling Obama's campaign poster pictures.

4. The letter signed by Barack Obama saying he will deploy troops to Africa, zoomed in right on his name.
5. At 20:03 in the video, they show a Kony 2012 sign right next to an Obama 2012 sign.
6. At 25:16 in the video, Shepard Fairey is standing right in front of an entire wall of Obama HOPE posters.
7. At 25:38 in the video, shown is a Kony sign right next to an Obama 2012 sign, again.

Watch (or skim) the video again and see if the second time around, you see what I see!

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