Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Invisible Children...Are Now In The Spotlight

KONY 2012, has become a household name/phrase practically over night. Almost, everyone in the world has heard of KONY 2012 campaign by the Invisible Children Organization that launched almost a week ago. If you haven't, then crawl out from under that rock and take a look at what the whole entire world is talking about.
Long story short, this campaign is to support the arrest of Joseph Kony, an international criminal known to abduct and force African children into combat.

Invisible Children uploaded a 30-minute video campaigning the support of the world to help arrest Kony...and the world did just that.
The KONY2012 video, set a viral-video record of having 70+ million views in just 5 days. Which forced the company to quickly invest in a PR Firm due to their new found support and success.

This viral video is what every company dreams of for their advertising exposure. Which goes to show that it's not the money invested in the company but the content and in which you display it. Personally, I know that Generation Y is a very active member in social media and they need the sense of feeling entitled and important to something. 

Whether they meant it or not, this video was the perfect equation of how to effectively reach the digital age. 
My question is: Although this was for a wonderful cause, do you think companies will aim to mimic this viral video's strategy in order to gain the same international success? Or is this simply, just something that the world responded to?

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