Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is Facebook's Timeline a Time Bomb?

I'm pretty sure it is safe to say that virtually everyone in the Internet has a Facebook, the social networking site that infamously overthrew MySpace out of the virtual world. Facebook, has created a brand for itself by being notable for connecting socially on the Internet with people you know through wall posts, comments and their iconic format. Facebook's original format made this company a multi-billion dollar fortune and a recipe for success. Smooth sailing for Facebook seemed to be in the horizons... Until it happened. Facebook introduced a new format, rebranding itself into not only a chronological written personal site but now also a photographic grouped new style... Say hello to the TimeLine:

Photo Credit: Google Images

Now, Facebook has inquired in a completely different format which also changed the objective of Facebook. With billions of users, a sudden change can either go really good-- or just flat out bad. I know personally that I did not invest in the Time Line yet because simply, I found it unnecessary. Maybe my outlook will change if I were to get it, but I don't have a desire too and I know I'm not the only one. But hey, I'm one of millions of millions.
But the biggest question that is going to come is: Will more people embrace this change or will the go on to neglect this change?

Have you invested in the change? How do you like the new features?
And finally, Do you think that Facebook made the wise decision of rebranding their image?

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