Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wonderful Halos and Mischievous Children

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a highly amusing commercial campaign for Wonderful Halos. Advertisements for foods and produce rarely draw or hold my attention, but I found this campaign to be especially memorable-- enough for me to grab a box of brand-name Halos during my next grocery trip.

The ads portray a series of misbehaving children in typical family scenarios. Each spot is only 15 seconds long-- short, sweet, and humorous enough to get the point across: Buy our product and your kids will be happy.  Furthermore, the ads do a great job at incorporating the product name, "Halos", as part of a selling mechanism within the narrative of the ads.

Granted, I was sometimes a naughty kid and I do love mandarins... so I may be biased, but you can check out the ads for yourself below:

Wonderful Halos - “Little Pony”

Wonderful Halos - “Duct Tape”

Wonderful Halos - “Laser”

Wonderful Halos - “Tantrum”

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