Old Spice decided to swap Isaiah Mustafa for some other guy for their body wash commercials: a terrible mistake. For once I actually don't like an Old Spice commercial.
Sure the new guy fits the buff, attractive, manly physique that Old Spice requires for their ads, but the actual commercial itself is seriously disappointing.
The message is still the same: use Old Spice body wash and you can be rich, have a beautiful woman, etc. But the octopus on his back is over the top and the laughing segment at the end is a little over the top.
I think Old Spice chose to switch things up a bit because they are trying to reach a different audience this time. Instead of young adults, they are trying to attract an older crowd. The baby boomer generation and maybe even older can relate more with the man in this new Old Spice commercial. This new guy seems to be older than the previous face of Old Spice as well as the woman that he is with. Also the fact that he is dressed as a sea captain seems to be more identifiable for an older audience.
I'm a VERY young 50-something, and I would never use Old Spice. I mistakenly used it once, when I was 29, was out on a date at night on the beach, and was eaten alive by those little ravenous no-see-ums who liked the sweet OS scent. Not fun. AND, it was ONLY the no-see-ums who were eating me alive. Ever since, I've gone Au Naturale, and it's worked every time (she's now my wife).