Saturday, October 1, 2011

Toyota Yaris' Awkward Commercials

Maybe you don't know who Michael Showalter is, but these new Toyota Yaris commercials will give you a good example.

Toyota has pulled him into a campaign to provide a funnier side to their newest hatchback, the Yaris. Showalter pulls in some of his regular awkward, white guy humor and uses it to explain the details and features of the car.

The features of the commercial include a tame atmosphere with mute colors and no music, to put emphasis on the commentary. It is surprisingly funny with such a simple theme.

With almost half a dozen commercials shaped up for the campaign, it's no surprise that Toyota would be taking a comedic approach for their latest release. Consumers, we can imagine, are still weary of the Toyota brand. With this lighthearted take, we can only imagine they are hoping to slowly turn things around.

Source: Adweek

1 comment:

  1. I agree- since Toyota has been having problems with the image and how consumers view the brand, I think that these new ads will bring new light to the company in a funny and light hearted way. I think it would be interesting to see if their sales increase or consumers' feeling of the brand increases as well.
