Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We've been dying to meet you.

Bergmann funeral service

Effective advertisement, I must say. My first reaction was to laugh, but then I went..."Oh, OHHHH. Oh boy."

A bit on the morbid side, this ad represents its client in a way that is most unique. This simple one liner on a white background is able to trigger plenty of mixed emotions within seconds. Is that good or bad, you ask? Depends on the person, I suppose.

I would say it is great if you are having a pretty swell day and bad if you are having an awful day...hey, you may just want to follow the direction this ad gives you...not good.

This advertisement is mostly copy and text-centered. There aren't any images on the ad that help the viewer process the meaning. What this ad does possess, is its very unique quality of using its natural surroundings as part of the ad itself.

I'm talking about the actual subway tracks.

Obviously, this ad would not work if it were not accurately placed in a subway station.

For example, if it were next to a grocery store people would say: "What in the world? Am I going to die while I buy groceries?" No one wants to shop for Poptarts and Popcorn after thinking about their sudden demise.

On a good day though, I would find this ad very humorous and immediately would put it in my Will that I be sent directly to Bergmann's after my death.

1 comment:

  1. Can we say...irresponsible advertising?? Similar idea to my post on the Pittsfield, Ma. man who fell in love with an in-store cardboard cutout display.
