Thursday, April 14, 2016

Jingles are Forever

Advertisers are always looking for ways to make their product or service stand out amongst the thousands of brands that flood the market. Finding a unique way to represent your product will help consumers recall it with ease. Jingles have been an integral part of advertisements for a long time now. Jingles are witty little musical pieces that advertise the product, and they also have a history of getting stuck it your head for a long time.
When I was sitting around the dinner table with my parents one night I asked them if they remembered any advertisements from their childhood, which would have been in the 1950s and 1960s. Immediately they started singing all different jingles in unison. My parents did not grow up together as children, and yet they could both recall with ease those jingles they heard almost 50 years ago. It goes to show that just a simple little jingle can last seemingly forever. Check out some popular jingles our generation can no doubt pick out in an instant!

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