Thursday, February 11, 2016

Designer Breakdown

As we approach our creative portion of the group projects, take a minute to scan this nifty, interactive breakdown of design

The site, Avocode break down how designers really worked in 2015. Avocode sampled over 400,000 designs that were uploaded to their site in 2015 and analyzed everything from design software, color palette, to final naming conventions.

It won't take you long to scroll down through the page, but as you do, take in the helpful tips that they illustrate as you begin drafting your creative ads.

What the website does very well is take seemingly boring statistics and create a visual, interactive way to absorb the necessary information. It is important to follow and stay up-to-date with the years design trends. There are many of other web resources available for this.

Some of my suggestions for design trends:
UI Garage
Creative Market

What sites do you use to stay inspired and up-to-date with designer trends?

- matt mcdermit

1 comment:

  1. This is an insightful post as I've never heard of any of these websites. I had no idea so many existed that keep you up to date with design trends. The website almost seems like an interactive infographic as you scroll through. When looking for design inspiration, I usually look to Canva. Although it has great designed layouts, it also has an active blog that gives tips on type design, colors, trends, etc. Pinterest is also a great tool for design inspiration, although it can be difficult to sort through the clutter.
