Monday, March 11, 2019

Battle of the Battery Bunnies

One might not think of the battery industry to be competitive, but it is. The two leading competitors are Duracell and Energizer. Both of these giant brands have pink bunnies as their mascots. But how did these companies end up with similar mascots? Duracell originally had the pink bunny but in 1988 their trademark lapsed and Energizer took the opportunity to play on its success. Yet they are different and Duracell cited the pink bunny as a species for their brand with multiple bunnies whereas Energizer has the one bunny.

Personally, I never realized that Duracell has a pink bunny as well. I always thought of the Energizer bunny when I thought of batteries. These two brands are very competitive with each other and these ads show that.

Both of the brands play on their long battery life and always claim to be the best. Duracell focuses on being able to run longer than the average battery whereas Energizer focuses on saying they are the longest lasting battery in the market. These brands have been going after each other for years and since batteries are pretty switchable, they try to get loyal customers. It can be hard to keep customers for such necessity product. People may not be concerned with the brand, just that it will last. This is where advertisements come in, to help people choose. Personally, I see more Energizer ads and think the bunny is cuter and classic with his little drum. Overall, both ads focus on brand characters which try to gain customer loyalty. 

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