Thursday, March 14, 2019

Round One: "Nike vs. Adidas" *Ding Ding*

Since March is Women’s Month, there are many ads that have aired recently that are sure to represent women. Two brands that have successfully captured the purpose of the celebration of women everywhere and ran with it are Adidas and Nike. Not only do both brands have commercials that are extremely talked about and well known, even after they’ve only been airing for a short time, they also both have series on their YouTube channels that highlight extraordinary women and their athleticism. So, not only are the brands very similar, as they both serve practically the same function of distributing athletic apparel, they also share the same common interests of where we are as a society currently and the politics of sports and athletes.
One specific ad from both brands that is for Women’s Month are the commercials titled “Nike – Dream Crazier” and “She Breaks Barriers: MoreVisibility. Bigger Dreams”. Both ads are for women, showing only women. The Nike commercial actually launched February 24, 2019, beating Adidas to the punch by two weeks (March 7th , one day before International Women’s Day). One might assume that the closeness of launch dates could be specific as to say Nike aired their commercial before March for the intention that March is Women’s Month, and Adidas launched their commercial the day before International Women’s Day in celebration for that day. Needless to say, though, both of the brands took two different approaches with their commercials. Overall, they both effectively represent women’s rights movement and its impact on women of all backgrounds who continue to strive for change. (Watch the commercials below) 

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