Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bavaria Tests Charlie Sheen's Sobriety

A recent agency in Amsterdam created new ads for the beer "Bavaria". The commercial starts off with Charlie Sheen leaving rehab and saying to his doctors "let's not have a drink sometime"... followed by him imagining everyone he sees on his way home drinking a beer. He's welcomed by a surprise party with all in attendance drinking beer when he gets home and soon figures out that the beer is a non-alcoholic one. I thought that the commercial was very clever. As it started out I didn't realize that it was a non-alcoholic beer, so it kept me interested until the end (knowing that Charlie has recently gone sober) when I saw a close up of the Bavaria beer bottle that read 0.0% alcohol. My opinion on the commercial is that it was done very well. Using such a celebrity that has had so much publicity recently catches your attention as well as the idea that this person is sober and is dreaming about alcohol. What do you all think of the new ad? Read more on the campaign at adweek:


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