Ever wonder why it is that some commercials have the ability to really touch us, while some don't even receive a second glance? In this case with Skechers' Mr. Quiggly commercial not only did it grab my attention, but I liked it so much I ended up showing the video to the rest of my family and posting it on my Facebook wall.
In other words, Skechers was successful in capturing my attention enough to have their message sink in, and even more so when I decided to willingly show others the commercial. In essence isn't that advertiser's end goal? To reach their customers yes, but to also have them relate and identify with the brand. By sharing this commercial with my family and on my Facebook wall, I am acting as a credible source for Skechers. Which is mainly because customers are more likely to listen to the opinion of their close friends than that of a corporation trying to sell them something.
The best part is, I actually hate Skechers shoes. I think for the most part they are ugly, and have a negative connotation in the world of sneakers. However, because of this commercial and their ability to touch myself and my family, perhaps in the future I will reconsider my previous perceptions of the brand.
Regardless, if I end up naming my future pug or bulldog Mr. Quiggly, Skechers will have a lasting impression on my life and will have won in the grand scheme of things. This is particularly so because with a dog named Mr. Quiggly, an explanation for the name is obviously needed. Which will lead to my referencing the commercial, and potentially even bringing it up on my iphone or ipad. Which essentially is great advertising and branding.
This photo was found on: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=681&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=be0sfen46spDoM:&imgrefurl=http://financialpress.com
Using animals to advertise for sports shoes is definitely an interesting idea. The Sketchers brand doesn't strongly appeal to me, but this commercial certainly put a positive spin on it to me. So it's intriguing that Sketchers would use comedy and human affection for animals to endorse their product, two things that are universally liked, possibly to attract people who don't typically buy Sketchers.
ReplyDeleteThis is really funny. My first thought was that maybe they're advertising for Sketchers dog shoes, since I don't find them too great for humans, but I'm sure they do fine still. And I quickly figured out that it was just a silly way of displaying their new shoes. Since the shoes are sporty, many people run/walk with their pets so it's a great connection to make.