Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Overload of Commercials for Medicine

I've recently noticed just how many commercials there are on TV for different prescription and non-prescription medications. From over the counter medicines like Claritin and Dayquil, to prescription medications like Humira and Lyrica, there seems to be more of these types of commercials on then anything else.

The recent Dayquil commercials that have come out, like the one right above, have more of a humorous tone to them and are a bit more entertaining than the typical medicine commercial. But the majority of these medicine commercials typically show a poorly acted out scenario with descriptions of the benefits of the medications as well as the side effects that go along with it.

As I've been writing this I've heard at least two different medicine commercials on the TV in the background in the span of less than ten minutes. Do you think there are an overabundance of these commercials in the US? Or do you think they are beneficial? 

1 comment:

  1. Kaeleigh, I completely agree with you. Nowadays its hard not to see a commercial for medication at least twice during a break in a show on television. Most of the medications I see advertised are antidepressants which can have severe side effects. The side effects are usually stated so quickly and written in such small print that our brains don't even have time to process what they are.
