Sunday, April 13, 2014

Matter to Everyone

Achieving a universal message is a ultimate goal for most ad agencies and their clients. Yes, a targeted ad  for a specific audience my be a better option in some cases - but as the idea of truly transcendent message is worth striving for. Thai Life Insurance has gotten pretty close to such messages, even seemingly shattering language and cultural barriers.

"Unsung Hero" is Thai Life's most recent television spot to go viral online. Subtitles may be used, but they are not needed to understand what is happening. This ad has become very successful and does what it has set out to do wonderfully. Yet I would like to turn your attention to an earlier spot of their's, this one called, "Silence of Love." It pulls just as hard on your heart strings (if not harder) than "Unsung Hero."

This ad does something special other than flood your tear ducts. While still working towards a universal message through teenage struggles and parental love, it has an even greater appeal to a certain group of people. I was shown this add previously by one of my deaf friends from high school. It made it rounds amongst the Deaf at a much higher rate. I believe this shows an even greater goal for advertisers to strive for. Universal messages can still have a target audience focus and targeted don't need to disregard other audiences. What's not worth sharing about such great emotional messages too?

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