Sunday, April 13, 2014

Anti-Rob Ford Posters

 A series of fake election campaign posters have appeared around Toronto that are promising unorthodox things to voters. The joke campaign is the product of, a Toronto group trying to highlight its issues with Mayor Rob Ford and stop his re-election. The signs for nonexistent political candidates poke fun at the Toronto mayor and his recent antics. The signs show three fake candidates: Jeff NcElroy, who promises to only smoke marijuana, not crack; Ray Faranzi, who says he will just get publicly drunk instead of doing so while threatening to kill people; and Jim Tomkins, who says he doesn’t get caught publicly urinating on camera. The signs were created by communications company Rethink Media.
When I first saw these campaign signs, I actually thought they were real until I read the accompanying information about them. The signs were removed, but I think they left a lasting impression on people from Toronto, as well as the world. Rethink Media incorporated usual campaign sign features, but obviously added a humorous twist. The signs remind you of Mayor Rob Ford's controversial behavior and why it would be in everyone's best interest to not reelect him.

1 comment:

  1. Incredibly controversial ads. Wow. This just goes to show that you can produce trash that can be physically taken down but will still live on and make impressions via the internet.
