Monday, April 7, 2014

HTC : For the Independent Thinkers

As a lover of copy, this commercial nailed it. Unlike the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy, HTC phones haven't yet taken over the technology world. After watching this commercial, I couldn't help but love it. The rainy and dark night (no pun intended) captures Gary Oldman in somewhat of his Batman element. The commercial is simple and draws viewers in through the mystery of it all. The company takes advantage of the fact that HTC is not the king of smartphones by putting a spin on it. Oldman explains that HTC owners form their own opinions, which secures their brand position amongst their competition. The silence that follows is somewhat of a dare, if you will, and really solidifies the copy that leads up to it. His calm, cool, and matter-of-fact attitude sends a simple and relatable message. If you like to form your own opinion (which most people tend to think they do), then HTC is for you.  

1 comment:

  1. The pregnant pause in the middle of the video, while Gary waits for you, was really captivating. The music was building slightly and Gary does have the cool, confident gaze that made me want to hear what he'd say next.
