Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Virtual Reality future with Facebook

With Facebook's recent acquisition of the Oculus Rift technology, the possibilities are almost endless. The virtual reality headset, still in prototype, combined with Facebook's net worth (around $70 billion according to Forbes) has potential to go in nearly every and any direction, from entertainment to education.

Although many people, mainly gamers, are upset with Facebook's acquisition of the technology, it was a good move for the company. There's no telling how long the lifespan of Facebook as a social network will be, and due to the fact that this will most likely be the next big technology, Facebook has pretty much guaranteed to stay relevant in the tech world.

While it is unclear what the intended use will be for this tech, one thing is pretty much guaranteed: advertising will be huge on the Oculus Rift. The potential for users to experience ads in a new medium is exciting for marketers. You could essentially try a product or experience a new location without leaving the couch.

Knowing how important a tool social media is for advertising, particularly Facebook, the Oculus Rift presents a new opportunity to engage with brands far beyond reading a status and looking at pictures.

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