Monday, April 14, 2014

Milk Life vs. Got Milk?

Got Milk? Has been an iconic campaign that has run for multiple years (from 1995 to be exact).  I personally can remember the posters of celebrities with their milk mustaches as of elementary school.  However, now the recognizable campaign has gone through a revolutionary change.  Now the “Milk Life” will be the tagline in the new milk campaign.   Despite the how much it is easy to love the Got Milk? Campaign the question became apparent to how productive the actual campaign had become.  Julia Kadison, interim CEO of MilkPEP stated the fact that the audience has forgotten the nutritional value of milk.  "The milk industry has had a tough bill over the last few years. Consumers seem to be forgetting about milk," Kadison said. "They needed to be educated or reminded of the nutritional value of milk."

Therefore, Got Milk? Possibly has been left in the dust because of the familiarity of the campaign to the audience.  This shift to the “Milk Life” campaign may be much needed surprise for this milk drinking audience.  The new campaign plans to focus its efforts upon TV and digital ads as well as print.   Another surprise to the campaign is the lack of celebrity endorsement compared to the “Got Milk?” campaign.  Instead it will focus upon real people in real situations, producing a surprising change to the advertisement of milk.



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