Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brown M&Ms


This M&M commercial is another one that appeals to many audiences.  Not only is this because the product itself has a broad range of consumers but because the message is easily understood.  That being said, the message doesn't necessarily tell us anything about the product except for M&M has come out with new brown M&Ms, which had not previously existed.

Another strong part of this commercial is the music they use.  Especially since the song is a current popular one it's definitely one thing that would draw the attention of someone who was not already paying attention.  All they need is a glance to see that it's M&M, a name we all are familiar with, and the commercial has done its job.  Also, since the color of the M&M is for the most part irrelevant to the product - except for specific holiday packs - the point of the commercial is to remind the viewer of the  brand at least.

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