Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Smelly" Ads in Bus Stations

If urban bus stations are known for anything, it is definitely for being smelly, and not a good kind of smelly. The scents of urine and garbage are usually the aromas one would encounter during their wait for the bus, but, McCain Foods is trying to change this in locations like London and Manchester. McCain Foods is installing 3-D panels that feature a picture of a baked potato and with a push of a button these 3-D panels emit the aroma of freshly baked potatoes.

McCain foods says that they have strategically placed a baked potato in the advertisement, when the button is pushed a hot light starts to warm the potato and it begins to emit the aroma of home cooking that we have all grown to love. As innovative and interesting as this ad appears I could see it going downhill very quickly. All McCain food needs is a drunk person on a Saturday night stumble inside the bus stop, smell the aroma of the baked potato, and in a hungry-drunken rage destroy the advertisement to try and get to the food. Not only that, but if there is a real potato in the advertisement, how often do they change the potato so the aroma doesn't turn into a moldy potato smell which would just make the bus stop smell worse than it originally did. This whole baked potato advertisement seems like a little too much work if you ask me.


1 comment:

  1. You're right, I think this type of advertisement would be more trouble than its worth. However, it may be more effective for a restaurant in the area instead of a product from a grocery store.
