Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some Ads That Are Crazy Creative!

These are some ads I came across while browsing the web. Some of these ads literally made me fall off my chair at work. They are as creative as anything I have ever personally seen before. I like the direction that advertisements are going now days. They are moving away from the traditional billboards and magazine ads and thinking of new, innovative ways to draw people's attention. The younger generation has a low attention span they need something that will dazzle them. They want something that is creative, but not difficult to understand. These ads utilize that. This not much copy on them but they symbolize the product. They utilize the location of where people are, what interests people. The bench with Kit-Kat is a great example of utilizing a necessity (a bench) that are almost everywhere in and around the city. The design of these ads are cutting edge, and they brands obviously know how to market to there target audience. All of the ads also put a creative spin on their theme. They make the ads enticing which makes them attention getting to a person looking at them in a magazine or walking by them on the street.

Hair Removal

Fed Ex

Clear ex

Honda Quads

Put a Stop to Graffiti

Real Hip Hop. Black Music All the Way


Kit Kat

Here is a little preview below!
There is this advent of sidewalk advertising now. It began when artists started making 3D esque picutres on the sidewalk as like the picture to the left. Now people are utilizing the ground in even more ways. It is a twist in traditional advertising, and it is awesome in my opinion. 3D sidewalk art is crazy and if you haven't checked it out yet it is great, look it up on Google, or wait me to post on it because that will be next topic at the end of the week!

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