Wednesday, February 22, 2012



This commercial obviously targets people who are looking for insurance, but even for those who are not currently seeking it, it keeps the Progressive name in their heads.  Myself for example, I am not currently seeking insurance, but when that time comes I will most likely give a look at Progressive because their name has been engraved in my mind for a long time.  This commercial uses multiple strategies.  They obviously have the humor aspect, which has helped them become more memorable now that Flo has become the face of Progressive, but they always make sure to include the important things they offer in their commercials as opposed to some companies that just want you to see the name and remember it.

In this commercial they are advertising multi-policy discount, paperless discount, homeowners discount, and safe driver discount; all of which she names in her sleep, followed by some humorous random dream speech that even little kids can laugh at.  AND, if Progressive is still around when those younger crowds become adults and start looking for insurance, I'm sure they'll remember Progressive as an option.

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