Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Models and McDonalds

When I think of McDonalds, one of the last things that come to my mind are models. This advertisement was ran in Ebony Magazine in 1992. Just goes to show how times have changed and how much information we have gathered from the serious health problems that come from fast food consumption.
The whole ad is portraying a model during a photo shoot. Photo shoots can last all day and can be very boring / tiring to the models. The tag line in the copy is "You'll get the picutre". The model on one side is cut out and the copy and McDonalds logo is placed inside. It reads that you cannot resist the great taste and prices at McDonalds. Even models think and craze the irristable food that McDonalds serves. Looking at this ad today, is this all true that she would be thinking "I'd rather be at McDonalds" ? Models have to maintain a certain body image and weight and from all of the information we have about the quality of their food, I do not think that there would be an ad like this produced by McDonalds today. It is very contradicting and could be misleading. People may think that they could look like that if they eat McDonalds. It also says that models eat and crave McDonalds. For the time, this ad may have been very effective because people were less concerned with obbesity in this country and did not have all of the factual information regarding McDonalds food. What do you think? Is this advertisement sending the wrong message or is it a brilliant attempt to get more people to eat at McDonalds?

1 comment:

  1. This is really funny, and insightful that this ad would probably never be aired in this day and age.
