Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Is it "jif" or "gif"?

Jif peanut butter has joined in the new age internet debate with a social media campaign. The new campaign insists that gif, short for graphics interchange format, is pronounced with a hard "g" to distinguish it from Jif peanut butter, pronounced with a soft "g" or "j" sound. 

In tandem with the new social media campaign, Smuckers, the company behind Jif peanut butter, has released a limited edition version of their peanut butter labeled "Gif: Animated Looping Images" instead of "Jif: Creamy Peanut Butter" available on Amazon. The ad campaign also partnered with Giphy to release branded gif's on their website to coincide. The entire ad campaign lines up with national peanut butter day on March 1st. 

This ad campaign capitalizes on the debate between how to pronounce the two words in a humorous manner while also taking a stance in the matter. It's a fun and creative ad campaign that is sure to grab people's attention in the internet age. Gif's have become extremely popular, and what better way to launch an internet campaign than to focus on one of the most popular things on the internet?


  1. I personally find this campaign to be very funny and I believe that the company was effective in getting its message across! I think that it was smart of Jif Peanut Butter company to take a humorous approach in this campaign to inform consumers of the difference between 'gif' and 'jif'. I'm sure that the company saw a great increase in sales especially since the campaign aligned with National Peanut Butter day!

  2. I love this campaign1 JIF did a great job looking at their target market, observing trends, and incorporating it into their strategy in a fun and creative way. It was perfect timing with National Peanut Butter day and is sure to turn the heads of their younger audience.
