Friday, April 21, 2017

Instagram Influencers are Being Warned About Hidden Advertisements

The Federal Trade Commission is warning celebrities on Instagram about their relationships with brands. It wants more transparency and better disclosure from the celebrities who are pushing products. When they normally create a sponsored post they use hashtags like #sp or #Ad and the FTC is saying that it’s not enough. They are sending out letters explaining the proper procedures for posting sponsored content and are expecting celebrities follow them.

It is very important for celebrities to disclose that they are being paid for a post because people might go and buy something thinking the poster was giving a genuine opinion. It seems like the influencers are trying to trick people into buying something rather than explaining its benefits which is not necessarily the most honest way to make money. 

Are these sponsored content posts fine as they are (similar to the one above) or do they need to be more obvious about being sponsored?


  1. I've never really had a problem with these ads. It's usually fairly obvious what the intent of the picture is, and you can usually just assume that the celebrity was paid to endorse the product, even if they don't actually use it or understand the benefits. I do understand, however, that with a growing number of young social media users, it is important to put more boundaries on sponsored posts, as younger audience members may not perceive the ads in the same way as the older audience members.

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