Saturday, April 15, 2017


     The Brazilian alcohol company, Skol, released a new campaign this week, named Skolor. The agency "F/Nazca", along with the art & music collective "Mooz", created the project in which the cans exist in 5 different colors, representing skin tones.

     The campaign meets the role of the project, with the intention of representing diversity, and also positions the brand as pro human rights.

     When launching the campaign, this short movie have been released:

     The artsy and friendly atmosphere pops up in the video. The lyrics of the music are composed only by the sentence "cor de colorir, colorido", standing for "color to color, colorful", and the melody is successful in evoking Brazil. The visuals are also extremely eye catching, contributing a lot for the Ad's aesthetics.
     Skol's main slogan have been "desce redondo" since 1997. It suggests that their beer is easy-to-swallow, because it "goes down your throat roundly". By the end of the video, Skol strikes a new slogan: Redondo é sair do seu quadrado. The literal English translation would be "Round is to get out of your square" meaning "Round is to think outside the box", so the new slogan contributes to reinforce the establishment of Skol as being a friendly, non conservative and pro diversity brand. 
    There's also a website of the campaign that allows you to login to a social media account so that the software recognizes your skin tone by your profile picture. The site generates a personalized can for you, toasting with a different colored can.

     The brand, along with the agency and the collective, have made very good and interesting decisions for this campaign, once they used very simple but relevant themes to create a meaningful and beautiful campaign, spreading a very significant topic around the community.

1 comment:

  1. This is an extremely creative idea! I love that the brand is making the beer personalized, which creates a personal connection between consumers and the brand. The idea of diversity is something that a lot of brands do not cultivate, and if they do, it is not a literal reflection of the product, as it is here with Skol. I've never seen anything like this before, it is such an innovative idea!
