Friday, April 26, 2019

The "Anti-Product Placement" Product Placement

In the silly, creative mind that belongs to Mike Myers, product placements seem to go over the top in a lot of his work. However, one that really sticks out is the short scene dedicated primarily to product placements in his first major movie, Wayne's World.

This scene gains its popularity from the hilarious irony of it all. He distinctly says that he will not be a sellout and work for a sponsor, yet as he denies his willingness to promote these products he puts on the cheesiest performance in promoting each sponsor individually. The writing of the scene was clever in its technique as Mike Myers breaks the fourth wall in cinema and communicates directly with the audience that he is in fact selling out while he insists that he is too proud. His shameless contradiction and the over the top joke is what make this product placement a clever and humorous work of advertising.

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