Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Clever Product Placement: Cast Away and Wilson

Anyone who remembers the Tom Hanks film Cast Away can remember the most integrated product placement of all time: Wilson.

Wilson is a Wilson brand volleyball that ends up stranded with Tom Hanks on the deserted island, and as Tom Hanks is the only living thing present, he spends the majority of the movie speaking to the volleyball. Not only does this make the product placement the second most important character in the film, after Tom Hanks draws a bloody face on it and names it, it becomes emotionally attached to the viewer for the rest of the film. If the goal of advertising is to make a connection between the product and audiences, nothing has achieved that goal more directly than the tragic drama surrounding this volleyball and Tom Hanks. While I'm not sure that this product placement actually led to increased sales of Wilson brand products, it certainly made them the most well known brand for volleyballs in the world, and created a lasting connection that they can easily call back to if they ever wish to.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree. Wilson is the only brand name of volleyballs I can even think of. They definitely placed themselves in my mind as a strong brand, and I don't even buy volleyballs.
